When your boss plays foul
work, 12 hours a day, no overtime pay, vacation in November
(maybe). Net pay 600 zloty”. Does a job offer like this seem
That is sometimes the reality behind employer's promises of „an attractive salary and opportunities for occupational development”. How can we defend ourselves against a boss who does not play fair?
The employer is always in favourable position and although the shortage of workforce has slightly improved the situation many employers still tend to abuse their employees' rights. Disabled workers must be especially careful as they have more rights and privileges that they must defend.
Tempting privileges
Impaired workers are very often made to work longer than
the statutory 7 hours a day and are allowed to take a
vacation only if it's convenient for the company. Sometimes a
candidate works for a test period and once the task is
finished he or she is dismissed without any explanation or even a
It is not uncommon for a disabled worker to be transferred to a
post that has not been approved by the Occupational Safety and
Health specialist or to be hired as able-bodied so that the company
may avoid additional responsibilities. Another common practice is
hiring impaired workers without a contract so that they don't have
to renounce the pension. If the worker tries to protest the answer
is usually: “You are lucky to have a job at all”. This may be true
but is this reason enough to be exploited?
Ilustr.: B. Przybyszewski
Fight for your right
Here is some advice on how to deal with a dishonest
- Talking things over
Try to negotiate with your boss first. If it doesn't work,
more radical steps are called for.
- Sack your boss
According to the Art. 55 of the Labour Code the employee
whose rights were violated has the right to “sack” his or her boss,
that is to cancel the contract without notice. Moreover, the
employee is entitled to a compensation for the notice period stated
in the contract. However, the worker ought to have some proof of
the infringement of his or her rights. It is also advisable to
consult a specialist, for example an inspector from the Labour
- National Labour Inspectorate (NLI)
NLI centres, which can be found in every large city,
provide free advice on matters concerning Labour Code. The list of
these centres along with their exact location and phone number can
be found at www.pip.gov.pl.
Even though Labour Inspectors can intervene only in case of Health
and Safety Regulations violation (e.g. lack of proper ventilation,
poor lightning, etc.), their opinion can serve as evidence in
- Labour court
Wronged worker's last resort. The case is usually dealt
with by a court of law in the employer's court district. The
employee does not pay the costs of the proceedings in the first
instance court if the compensation is less than 50 thousand zloty
(otherwise it is 5% of the adjudged compensation). However, if the
court rules against the complainant, he or she may be ordered to
pay the costs. The petition must include: complainant's personal
data, details of the company, a list of grievances, a brief account
of the circumstances that led to the problem and a summary of the
worker's job history in a given company. Both sides may appeal
against the court's decision or reach a settlement. An employee may
ask NLI inspectors' help in filling the petition.
Labour Court is a good way of asserting your rights, providing that you manage to produce solid evidence. On the other hand, legal proceedings may take very long and it is likely that you will be forced to look for another job, which is today scarce. So is it worth all the trouble? What's the point in standing your ground if you can't change your boss' ways?
Three rules
The aim of the following rules is not to convert a
dishonest employer and make him or her a paragon of virtue but to
ensure that your rights will not be violated.
I. Don't take his word for it
Sign a contract first. Don't let your boss fob you off
with idle promises. Remember that no contract means no test
II. Read before you sign
Some people get so excited when they finally manage to find an
employment that they don't even bother to read what they are
signing. Employer's promises and assurances don't mean a thing,
what's important is what was written down.
III. Gather evidence
Once you realise that your boss is treating you unfairly start gathering evidence which might later prove useful in court: an email that was sent after working hours, a copy of a receipt for tanking up company car on holiday etc. If you work nine to five and have casual work contract instead of employment agreement, then your time card is also a piece of evidence. If the employer “accidentally” misplaces your time card don't worry – it only undermines his credibility. Evidence is all the more important since you probably won't be able to rely on your colleagues' testimony as they might refuse to testify against their employer.
Józef Fiołek, Senior Labour Inspector, Warsaw Labour
- An employee whose rights are not respected should
immediately terminate the contract or, if in possession of
sufficient evidence, take the employer to the court (c.f. Art. 242
of the Labour Code). It is advisable to start gathering evidence
well before taking legal action because the judge will base the
decision solely on the material evidence provided by the
complainant. Surreptitious gathering of evidence can be regarded as
spying and may to some seem unnatural, but it is the only way of
dealing with dishonest employers.
Artykuł powstał w ramach projektu "Integracja
- Praca. Wydawnicza kampania informacyjno-promocyjna"
współfinansowanego z Europejskiego Funduszu Społecznego w ramach
Sektorowego Programu Operacyjnego Rozwój Zasobów Ludzkich.
Autor: Tomasz Przybyszewski
Konsultacja merytoryczna: Anita Siemaszko
Tłumaczenie: Michał Landsberger
15.03.2024, 06:43
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